• 01324 610950
    10-4 Mon–Fri
  • Become a Member

    CSREC welcomes all individuals and organisations who share our aims, visions and values to join us as members.

    Why join?

    • As a member, you will receive a copy of CSREC’s quarterly Equality Newsletter and can attend CSREC events, workshops, trainings and our annual general meeting.
    • Membership also provides you with an opportunity to shape CSREC’s policy direction and take part in CSREC’s Management Board election.
    • If you want to be more involved in actively developing and driving forward CSREC's strategy. We are particularly keen to encourage applications from people most likely to face discrimination in Forth Valley.

    How can I join?

    Before applying to become a member, please read our Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.

    To become a member, simply complete the Application Form and the Equality Monitoring Form, and return it to us here.

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